We have secured £750,000 towards two flagship projects to help grow the local economy and ensure West Berkshire remains a great place to live, work and learn.
The money will be split between two key projects which are ready for delivery:
- improving and redesigning Newbury Wharf, and
- the newly renamed Bond Riverside (formally London Road Industrial Estate) regeneration programme.
The funding has been allocated following a successful application to the Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The funding comes from central government, but is being managed and released by the LEP.
Of the £750,000 fund:
- £375,000 will be used to improve Newbury Wharf. This is an ongoing project first proposed in the Newbury Masterplan which received over 4,000 public responses, and the councils aspiration is to create an attractive public space which can be used for events.
- The other £375,000 will support the Bond Riverside regeneration programme and go towards environmental improvements on the site, such as sustainable drainage systems (SUDS), tree planting, and other projects to improve the site and help meet key sustainability targets.
Preparation on both projects has already begun and the work itself starting early in 2023/24 - with funding spent by March 2024.