The Town Centre Strategies for both Hungerford and Thatcham have been approved at the West Berkshire Council Executive meeting on 23 March 2023.
Key proposals for ensuring our town centres remain vibrant places in the coming years include:
In Hungerford:
- Making more of the town’s canal and heritage
- Creating a new ‘town square’ outside the Town Hall that could be used for markets and events.
- Creating spill-out space for businesses on the High Street.
- Improving pedestrian connections.
In Thatcham:
- Full or partial pedestrianisation of The Broadway.
- Creation of a ‘village centre’
- The creation of a ‘Community Hub’, improvements to the gateways to the town centre.
- Physical changes to the A4 to lower traffic speeds.
The above changes are included in the Town Centre Strategies for Hungerford and Thatcham. The Strategies have been developed by us and Hemingway Design in partnership with local communities, stakeholders and both Town Councils.
We would like to thank all those who took part in the workshops and online public survey which received 1,700 responses. We will continue to involve the communities of Hungerford and Thatcham, as together we prioritise and work up the detail of the proposed projects.