Development of the town centre strategies for Thatcham and Hungerford, by Hemingway Design, has reached a major milestone with the completion of the open public surveys.
The aim of these strategies is to boost the high street and town centres enhancing their vitality and economic prosperity.
The project has involved stakeholder consultations, visioning workshops and walkabouts in both towns, which has driven the study forward. This process lead to further public engagement in an open survey, which was open from Monday 5 December 2022 to Monday 9 January 2023. We had a total of 1,705 responses which, as a proportion of the population, is a good result for this type of consultation.
We have since hosted follow-up workshops in both towns, to share the results and get the feedback of stakeholders such as the Town Councils. The strategies are now being finalised for completion by the end of March and we’ll provide further updates on our website and in future newsletters.